Maine: Captive Audience Meetings Limited

As of October 25th, 2023, employers can’t take, or threaten to take, adverse action against an employee for declining to attend or participate in any employer-sponsored meeting that expresses the employer’s opinion on religious or political matters. The same protections apply to an employee who refuses to receive or listen to an employer communication that conveys their opinions on religious or political matters.
A religious matter is defined as matters that relate to the religious belief, affiliation, practice, or the decision to join or support a religious organization/association. A political matter is defined as maters relating to elections for political office, political parties, proposals to change legislation, regulations, or public policy, the decision to join or support any political party, or the decision to join or support a political, civic, community, fraternal, or labor organization.
Employers are required to post a notice to employees about these rights within 30 days of the law becoming effective. At this time, it is unknown if the state will be releasing a sample notice before the 30 day time limit, which is November 24th. Concerned employers can reach out to Human Resources to help fulfill the notice requirements if a sample notice is not published by the state.
To view the approved law, you can find it here.
Get day-to-day updates on Maine Captive Audience Meetings , visit the Vida HR Knowledge Center (Vida HR Clients Exclusive).